A Message from ClikFocus—Our Response to COVID-19

Submitted by Will Burcher on 03/24/2020 - 10:42:am

We want to listen.

During times like these, we believe that helping each other in the best way that each of us knows how (and is uniquely suited) is absolutely essential. Here's how we can help.

Businesses are going to be faced with some stark conditions and some tough decisions over the next few weeks as a result of this outbreak. We believe that a paradigm shift toward online will be solidified. The ascendance of online retail and e-commerce is obvious. More than that though businesses will need to be as efficient as possible, with the lowest possible operating costs, to come through this well. Online can help with that too.

For better or worse, we have a lot of experience here, directly applicable to this shift. And we can help. From now until the end of this crisis, we invite businesses that are feeling the immediate pressure to improve their operations, or their online operations to reach out and call us for some pro-bono consulting and advice. We know that capital expenditures may not be in the immediate future for most, but frequently there are a lot of ways businesses can improve even without new systems. Use what you have better, and you just might come out of this stronger than before.

So. We want to listen. What are some ways that your business has changed these past few weeks? Do you feel that a shift in your own paradigm might be necessary to weather this storm?