Integrate Drupal With Third-Party Apps & Other Systems

Submitted by Jesse Mutzebaugh on 06/15/2016 - 02:44:pm

Drupal is a real powerhouse when it comes to integrating and connecting all your apps. The challenge, however, lies in how can I do this and how easily can I get this done?

Enter Drupal Integrations

Drupal Integrations

Here is a resource that lists just about every third party application or service you'd want to integrate Drupal. Developers will review each app and each module used to integrate that app and give feedback on it. For each module, it rates:

  • Module Stability
  • Default Features
  • Integration Complexity
  • Documentation

Analysis for both Drupal 7 and Drupal 8. And did I mention there's a lot of apps listed?

Drupal Integrations App Listing screenshot

What this resource doesn't do

It's not a how-to resource. It won't tell you how to do the complex parts of integrations or troubleshoot. It is an excellent tool to use during project planning, discovery, and architecture phases. It's an essential tool during planning phases to identify how much time you're looking to spend on a project, or if you need to outsource development on a particular integration.

This has helped us cut down our planning time dramatically and spend time where it really matters – which is to get beyond understanding requirements and begin understanding their business.