How to Hire Drupal Developers for a quick turnaround?

Submitted by Jeremy Kleier on 06/18/2013 - 10:36:am

Finding the balance hiring a Drupal development team quickly and being confident in their abilities can be challenging. We wrote an eBook to help quickly vet your prospective Drupal developers. 

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What else should I know for a quick turnaround?

1. Scope of Work

One of the most valuable pieces of information you can give a team of Drupal developers is a clear scope of work. Often times projects get off course due to the lack of a clearly defined scope of work.

The best way to develop a clear scope of work is to have a developer write the scope of work along with all their assumptions. This way the stakeholders in the project can review how the developer views the project and account for any missing assumptions.

2. Workflow

Another important and an invaluable asset to turn around a project quickly is to have clearly defined roles which are communicated to the client.

When Clik Focus takes on a project for a quick turnaround, we define two roles that manage the entire project. The first is a Technical Lead for a project, and the second is a Project Coordinator. Defining both of these two roles gives the client clear lines of communication to migrate any issues that arise and help the support team know exactly who to go for questions about a specific area of the project.

Furthermore, the client can always go to either of these two people to find out the status of the project. This helps the client tremendously when they are trying to meet a strict deadline.

What else would you add to this list? 

Leave a comment below and share some other tips that you have found helpful when looking for a Drupal developer for a quick turnaround project.

Get in touch. If you have a project that needs a quick turnaround, we can help!  Doesn't hurt to ask.

Blog photo provided by Sander van der Wel