How Do I Communicate Successfully with My Web Team?

Submitted by Sara Parks on 01/16/2014 - 11:47:am

Working with a web development team involves understanding how the team is approaching the project. While it is common to just ask for a list of requirements and to regroup at the end, we ask questions to not only understand what you want, by why you want it. This allows the team to work in conjunction with your company throughout the project, so you see what we are working on each step of the way.

We will provide some ways for you to be involved effectively during the project, so you get the most out of your new website.

Being Prepared

While there is a list of meetings we plan during the project, what really fuels progress is how you contribute. Each stage involves discussion that is designed to incorporate your needs into your website. We talk about everything from web hosting, to page layouts and branding requirements that all need your input to be successful.

  1. Solve Your Problem. Being able to have the right answers during the meetings helps us to work more effectively on your website, so your problem is solved sooner and with less hassle.
  2. Improve Efficiency. We give you the questions before a meeting so your team can spend the necessary time brainstorming and bring us the answers to build a stronger solution.
  3. Stay on Track. A meeting where everything is prepared and ready to go keeps us moving steadily towards the finish line with a robust website that enhances your business process.

How You Contribute

A website is not just a network of pages linked in a vacuum. It is a constantly moving system of databases, content, front-end, and back-end parts that are designed to work together in the most efficient way possible. Finding the most efficient way is our job, but knowing the specific parts is where you come in.

Our team makes a detailed plan to put in place the project requirements gained from the first meeting. This means we have a very definite idea of what we need in order to move forward at each stage of the process.

  1. Discovery. This is the first stage of the project, and also where we ask the most questions. We will ask questions about legacy systems, data migration, content and design strategy as well as any branding requirements for your company. We really dig deep to understand what your company needs in a website so we can provide a solution that fills that need.
  2. Testing. After building your website, we want to know what you think. You can take your new website for a spin to make sure the information flows as intended and each feature works smoothly. We want you to be sure that this product accomplishes the common goal that we shared from the beginning.
  3. Maintenance. A website is constantly evolving to keep up with a company's needs, so we will be here when you need a new feature or your site needs its regular maintenance review. A powerful tool needs to keep optimizing the skills of your content editors, so we make sure it never misses a beat.

Depending on the complexity of the project, there are a number of smaller meetings with individual developers, designers and project managers. These serve as filling in possible gaps and working through granular details that inevitably come up during the course of the project.


A website is truly an asset when it fulfills important business strategy responsibilities. A web development team should share that belief when partnering to build a new web platform. Having a common goal of effectively filling your web needs is established with open communication and working hard to stay on track.