Deciding between a Custom Drupal Website or a Turnkey Webshop

Submitted by Sara Parks on 10/28/2013 - 10:00:am

Whether you own your own business, or are in upper level management and need to decide on how to update the company website, you might be overwhelmed by all of the options available through a simple Google search. We will provide some information on how to go forward in your search.

Different Stages of a Company

There are a few simple questions to ask before going on the hunt for a web development solution.

1. What is your Budget? If you are a business just starting out, then you might want to consider a more cost-effective approach such as SquareSpace or a pre-defined e-commerce approach like Shopify.  If you are a business that has a larger budget and larger set of needs, then you should look into a custom Drupal site. It is good to choose a tool with the future in mind to know how it will scale in the future.

2. How much traffic do you get? A website that doesn't require performance for lots of users can run on a simpler platform. When the website starts needing more robust performance, it is a good idea to look into platforms that scale accordingly with ease.

Type of Company

1. Are you an e-commerce site? Operating an online store requires a fairly systematic process. Companies need some common features that allow for a little tweaking here and there. The basic needs might not change, but the complexity might increase. The amount of complexity speaks to the level of need for Drupal.

2. Are you primarily information-oriented? If your company has lots of information on its site that doesn't change very often or require lots of interaction, then you can use a cost-effective content management system that is more beneficial for the company.

Advantages of a Custom Website

1. Easily tailored for your company's needs. There are lots of options to choose from, and you can format them to fit your customer's needs.  For a company growing rapidly, customization is extremely important, and Drupal handles this challenge well.

2. Robust data handling. Drupal is designed to allow more flexibility when designing new websites that have to organize and manage lots of information at once for each visitor. The way it is designed makes it more abstract than other CMS platforms, so it is better suited for complex websites.

3. Scalability. With a cookie cutter website, it might be able to handle up to a certain amount of traffic or data, but a more customized site can handle a growing amount of integration and complexity easily. Drupal's core framework is open-source, so it is constantly being altered to be more efficient. After setting up the basic foundation on Drupal, you can add other tools and features as time goes on easily.

Advantages of an Out-of-the-Box Webshop

1. Cost. A custom site will require a larger upfront budget for development and setting up the entire system. If a company does not have complex needs, a turnkey approach is must more cost-effective at just a few bucks a month.

2. Upkeep. A custom site can mean lots of upkeep, but a webshop is designed for low maintenance on the business owner's part. After setting up shop with the necessary information and functionality, you have more time for additional marketing efforts.

3. Helping young businesses. Business owners just starting out should focus on marketing and sales, instead of building a website. This system allows for that focus, so you don't have to worry about website maintenance when you gain market share.


If your company is looking for a site that scales easily with company growth, Drupal is an excellent platform. It allows for high levels of customizability and continual changes as the company evolves. For a business that might not need as much customization, a turnkey webshop is a better choice for the investment. It allows for just enough customizability to make it unique but provides a basic functionality that means low maintenance overall.