
Responsive web design as an approach to developing mobile sites is the cool thing to do right now. But is it cool because it's useful, or cool because it's fun when you resize your browser?

In this new series of blog posts, we will be going over the complete overhaul of the theme. The website functions like a dream, but as long-term clients we felt they deserved a more polished design.

Here's a quick tip to save you web designers tons of time - especially if you use a lot of custom photoshop sizes for Google banner ads or headers.
I’ve seen so many questions floating around in the forums and question sites I decided to write a solid answer to it. I assume the reader is familiar with PHP and has some basic knowledge of Drupal and jQuery but not too much.
Is Fields API in Drupal 7 not configurable enough for your scenario? Check out this easy tutorial on how to set up custom fields.
You can do what everyone else is doing and take a cut of the market. Or you can differentiate yourself and dominate a portion of your market. It's up to you.
The "Context" and "Features" modules facilitate increasingly robust and complex sites which, when configured properly, do not require any ongoing developer support for content management.
Emergo Group needed mobile access to their website, but had many requirements they still needed to meet. Take a look at the mobile system we built for them.

Being a left brain dominant computer engineer tends to make creativity a bit challenging.

I can recall several times when we were approached by clients as the second, third, or fourth developer to work on the project because the previous ones didn’t have the skill (or reliability) to finish a job. This wastes time and costs thousands of dollars for nothing.