Why You Must Take Creative Risks

Submitted by Jesse Mutzebaugh on 08/07/2012 - 12:46:pm

Mounting evidence shows that we all possess an inherent bias against creativity. We all, at our core, dislike change. Type "A" leaders like the idea of change and casting vision, but often dread the workload it creates for the organization. Change requires a shift in momentum, and requires extra energy to maintain your pace. All true creativity requires we depart from status quo at some point. It is this departure that creates discomfort.

Creative Safety

I was browsing the web looking for different Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services, and I was astounded by how "safe" all their websites were. Sure, the home pages look good, but they all look like their competitors websites. I often got confused as to which company was which. Take a look at a few of the home pages from different CRM companies.

"All true creativity requires we depart from status quo at some point. It is this departure that creates discomfort"

These companies played it safe. They all do the same thing, offer the same services, have the same generic website. No company gives the potential customer any reason to pick them over their competitor. 

Three things these companies fail to communicate

1. We do things differently than our competition. You need to highlight why you are innovative. What do you offer than nobody else does? What do you have that nobody else has? Why do I choose you over everyone else? You and your team spent countless hours crafting your organizations vision, so don't let that become a poster on your office wall. Get creative and wear your vision. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. Your customers will feel it.

2. We do things better than our competition. Most likely there are dozens of organizations similar to yours. Then how are you still in business? To your people, you are better. They know that. But the only way I would know why one of the above CRM companies are better is through word of mouth. Get creative and let your website, the face of the company, become it's own word of mouth advertising.

3. We tailored our services for you better than our competition. Do you have a niché? Exploit that. If I were a pastor, ten times out of ten I would choose "ChurchCRM" over "GenericCRM". Are you in healthcare? Great, so are thousands. Target your market by telling them you focus on Asthma and Allergies in the Denver region, and tailor your designs to that.


What about you?

What creative risks have you taken that have paid off for you or your company? Leave a comment and let us know.