How to Hire the Best Developers

Submitted by Jeremy Kleier on 08/01/2011 - 03:54:pm

photo by dutchb0yIt's true that you are looking for the best people in the business when you hire new employees. It's no different when it come to hiring your web development team. Just like when looking for any kind of good help, the best developers don't come cheap, and if you have worked with the cheap development companies before, you can see the difference in the quality of the product very quickly.

To alleviate the expense of forming an in-house web development team, a lot of companies have started to look at outsourcing in the development process by hiring development companies that specialize in a specific niche, in our case Drupal. The initial development is handled externally, but in-house web content administrator or even administive assistant keeps the website up to date afterwards. The result is significantly lowering the development cost from a $50/hour for a technically trained employee to someone with trusted communication skills for $15-$20/hour.

Some of the advantages:

  1. One IT professional or developer should cost you anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000, depending on experience. So a project developing and adding to your site will take a regular staff member anywhere from 3 to 12 months to complete. Along with the high cost, productivity suffers. Compare that to outsourcing your techincal needs to niched development team, and in Clikfocus's case, that's outsourcing not to China or India, but to the beautiful city of Colorado Springs.
  2. We leverage a Drupals CMS framework to allow you to hire a great editor and copywriter to bring in the desired content for a lot less than would be required by a high-level technical team doing the same work. 
  3. When you hire a development firm, you only pay for the features and functionality you want. So when you run out of ideas for the web development, you don't have to pay for a high-level techincal employee to do simple task. (From our own in-house experience, they are much happy when they are coding than when they are writing blog posts.)