Has Your Drupal Site Had Its Security Flu Shot?

Submitted by Daniel Henry on 12/19/2013 - 09:09:am

When flu season strikes, healthcare professionals recommend you get a flu shot and keep your body well-rested and nourished. Your body needs care, and so does your website, so make sure the security measures in place are always up-to-date.

A website's immune system is not really about fighting viruses, but rather it's about fighting a few more intelligent enemies: spammers, hackers, and Murphy's Law. Everyone with access to your website at any level can harm your website if the right precautions are not taken.

Here are some areas where updated security is always important:

  1. Firewall Settings. Having a robust firewall is the first step to preventing unknown issues from getting into your website and causing problems.
  2. Virtual Host Settings. Good virtual host settings are your last line of defense if your site is compromised. Setting your virtual host correctly can even stop users who manage to infiltrate your site from doing irreparable damage.
  3. Core and Contribution Modules Updated. Software is always being updated with security patches and bug fixes. The older software most likely has security holes in it, which is why a new version was created. If you have an older version of the software, it is best to look for the newest version or a different software if there isn't a newer version. When choosing a new software, be sure to match your business goals with technology.
  4. Permission Levels. Each user should be given access only to the content or tools that they are qualified to access. A problem can occur where an unqualified user with too much access tries to fix a technical issue but unsuccessfully makes it worse. Having accurate permissions in place will prevent this situation.
  5. Secure Passwords. This is an older tip but nevertheless always important. Having a very simple password makes it very simple for user accounts to be hacked, which is why good websites rate your password when you create an account to help protect you. If you can't remember the passwords that are more difficult, LastPass is a handy, free tool that remembers your passwords and even generates secure ones to protect your information better.
  6. Appropriate Text Filters. On a website, many different types of users have different levels of access. Some only have access to read content and write comments. Having filters in these areas limits what type of content they are able to put down, such as ads to their own site or to spam sites that harm other users.


We go for annual checkups, exercise, and get a yearly flu shot to keep our bodies in shape. A wise site owner would want to do the same with a solid server and site maintenance plan. An experienced team of developers will put the right protections in place, so your business can grow and provide value to your customers without interruption.

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